Fantasy Hex Tiles
A downloadable asset pack
Please check the comments for variants and updated assets! People have been really creative with the base set and added a lot of really gorgeous work to it.
4/29/18 - Added a left and right Port, a Light House, a Ruin, and a Cemetery hex.
11/12/17 - Created the Rivers and Roads add-on to be used with the set, as well as updated the example tiled document to include the most recent changes.
9/24/2017 - Added a borderless version of the tiles by request.
1/15/2017 - Added a "Dense Forest/Jungle" tile, as well as cave overlay tiles for each biome in version 2. The example tiled file has been updated with examples of these.
A collection of hexes for fantasy maps. Developed for use in a GURPs, I've included some of the basic tiles in the GURPs ruleset, including hilly and wooded versions the basic tiles.
This tileset was made to use be used in Tiled set to Hexagonal orientation, with 32 tile width, 28 height, and 16 side length. There's also an offset of 2 on the Y axis in the tileset's properties.
All of that is set up correctly in the example file, and you can get Tiled from here:
I'm still working on a roads and rivers set, as well as some additional overlay tiles like caves or ruins. I'm also working on whole new biomes, so if you have any suggestions or requests, please leave them in the comments!
Payment not at all required, but all donations will go towards continuation of this hex set, and starting of interior sets.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Varients?May 27, 2018
- Requests!Apr 30, 2018
- Rivers and Roads - Oh my!Nov 13, 2017
- Mini Update - BorderlessSep 25, 2017
- Devlog!May 09, 2017
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Since we've been having a lot of mods that use this tileset as well, we've put them together in this CC 4.0 repository
Intended to be used as layers, there's like 300 tiles/improvements/resources and 1000 units so far
For anyone who has never worked with hexagon tilemaps before (like me) and is looking to implement this in Godot as a tilemap, follow these steps (It's super easy):
1. Download the files and put them wherever you keep your projects assets.
2. Create a TileMap node.
3. Click "empty" next to tile set and select New TileSet. Then click "TileSet" where empty used to be.
4. Change the tile set shape to Hexagon.
5. Change the Tile Layout to "Diamond Down" (this makes the textures overlay correctly).
6. Set the tile offset axis to "Vertical Offset"
7. Set the tile size to X32 and Y28.
8. A the bottom of the editor you should see a bunch of tabs like "Output | Debugger (#) | Search Results | Audio | Animation | Shader Editor | TileSet | TileMap" -> Click TileSet
9. A little tab labeled "Tiles" should be selected with a big open space under it. Drag and drop your downloaded tilesheet of hexes into that area.
10. A pop up will say that the atlas's texture was modified and will ask if you want to automatically create tiles in the atlas. Click no.
11. Under the setup tab change the texture Region Size to X32 Y48
12. Now hold control and click to drag your mouse over all of the tiles. This will create the correct number of tiles with the correct sizes.
13. Click the tab above these settings that says "paint" and select "Texture Origin" from the drop down. Set the y value to 9, then click on a tile and drag your curser over every tile in the sheet to paint this value.
14. At the bottom, swap from "TileSet" to "TileMap."
15. Now select any of the tiles you want to paint onto your tile map and click into your scene to add them. You can use the drawing tools the same way that you would in a square tilemap. Enjoy!
Thanks a lot :)
tysm! this helped out a ton!
excellent. thanks a ton!
Thank you! I'm using the latest godot 4.3 and it your instructions still worked with the new node TileMapLayer!
Awesome instructions! Thank you!
Your pack is really excellent. Well done!
I used it to make this Ludum Dare game and it’s easy to use and looks great!
Thanks for your awesome work!
Man, I really want to use this, it just sucks that the tiles keep being offset in Tiled, causing all tiles to be cut in half, or sometimes containing different tiles.
Hey, thanks for sharing this tiles.. they look clean and simple. I like the style. Also nice, that u offer an example tiled document, but the tilesets are not contained in the file. I think there is an option when creating tilesets to embed them in the map/project. Right now the example can be loaded, but the tilesets must be setup manually for the tiles itself and the rivers/roads. For rivers and roads the 32x28px setting seems not to fit or additional offset is required.
Hello folks! I have been developping Imperial Ambitions, and has been updating this tile set. I wanted to thank the community and share what I have added so far. There arent many new tiles, but there you go. Thank you
FYI, the game is here
But your game is using other Tileset than this? :D
Yeah, I started with Fantasy Hex Tiles, but last month I changed the tileset. If you look at the Steam Page, down the page, you can see the gifs made using Fantasy Hex tiles.
Nice, I I like your new Tiles better.
Thank you! :)
looks good,can't wait for the game
Thank you. Me too 😂
Wishlisted :-D
Looks lovely indeed!
thanks, i want to create also a 4X game and these are some really cool placeholder tiles, theres almost everything i need! Thanks for sharing and good luck with Imperial Ambitions, looks very cool :)
Thank you! And good luck with yours!
What is the license on your expanded tileset?
This is a collaboration work, some of these tiles made by people in this forum. As long as their contribution is also bound to the same conditions, mine is free
Hi! Sorry to be a burden, but I'm a little perplexed on importing the tile set into Tiled. I'm new to this (obviously), so I'm not quite sure how to get the hex tiles to work? Every time I bring them into Tiled as a new tile set, the grid cuts the hexagons up into segments; not to mention none of the segments align with the hexagon grid. Any tips?
Maybe a bit outdated, but incase some one still needs help here:
You need to configure the tileset in Tiled correctly, to the mentioned settings:
set to Hexagonal orientation, with 32 tile width, 28 height, and 16 side length. There's also an offset of 2 on the Y axis
Additionally the map need to have the same grid sizes and correct (flat top) orientation, so that the tiles don't overlap.
I love these tiles! You did a great job on them! If by any chance you could break up each tile in its own png file so we could use them in Hex Kit, that would be amazing! =)
Made a minigame with these hexes. Thank you, and Please check it out;
Eeeee thank you! <3
Also, small feedback, the towns and other constructions would be easier to use if they where overlays just like the caves!
Eeeeee it's godot)))
This is very awesome! Great work!
I LOVE this pack, but for me some of the road tiles don't line up
I make a Historical Hex Tiles
Any chance of explicitly putting a license on this so that I can use it in my project?
Sorry! I was sick the last couple days. I've included an explicit license now. I'm not super familiar with how that works all the time, I basically just want attribution, but feel free to use the tileset however ^^
Amazing, thanks!
Hi, I don't know if I'm wrong but the Version 3 and the Version 3- Borderless are the same image.
I'm loving this tileset – it is inspiring. Thank you so much for creating and releasing it. I'm currently using if for my procedurally-generated SRPG project, Firetale.
Is there a way to use them with HexKit?
I haven't tried them with HexKit! If you have a chance to try, please let me know if they work out and if there's something I can do to improve the pipeline for HexKit, let me know ^^
I tried, and sadly not. HexKit uses individual tiles instead of a large image file.
So, for example, their Spaceland tile set is set up like this:
Folder: Spaceland
Therein included are other Folders like "Nebulae", "Anomalies", "Planets", "Asteroids"
And then in those folders you have individual hex tiles as .PNGs
I don't know if this would be feasible for you to split your hex set up into those sub-folders and individual images. But it WOULD be greatly appreciated! :)
I can take a look this weekend!
Unfortunately it looks like HexKit hex's are vertical instead of horizontal, so my kit doesn't really line up with the program well. If you're interested in trying it out for yourself, you can grab all the hexes (and more) as individual PNGs from this incredibly lovely github that Yairm210 setup:
Oh, cool! Thank you for that.
I'll try this weekend and see what I can do. :)
Thank you for actually takin time to look into this. :)
Hex Kit updated to allow flat top! Also, your link is broken now, any chance I could get an updated link? =)
Can this pack be added to a Foundry VTT system?
I didn't even know about Foundry! I have been working on some other tabletop sets, so I'll have to see what that's all about and see if I can get it working ^^
Great tileset Cuddly. Just curious what you created them in. I have no where the artistic talent you do, but having recently bought this set from you, I'd like to create some map bounding fog tiles and looking for recommendations of where to create them. Thanks!
Thanks Craino! Sorry for taking so long to respond, I didn't get emails saying comments were being made! These are all made in clipstudio paint! It's not super designed to do pixel based art, but it's my favorite to use across computers so I stick with it. You could easily make some edits or new tiles in free software like Krita though.
Thank you!
Love it!
this looks great
I like this style! Very good!
The Tiled example refers to a tileset definition file for the rivers and roads expansion that seems to be missing.
Yeah, it wasnts a rivers and roads TSX document that is not included in the downloads. It's a great tileset, but the roads don't seem to work because of this.
This might sound stupid: would these work in another editor like hexkit as well?
you gave me a great game idea and use it
simply amazing thank you
i've been working on a hex procedural terrain generator as a hobby. Your tiles are perfect to visualize different biomes! Check it!
I could really use some help with the roads and rivers, while the terrain I think Ive gotten it to look right, but the roads never seem to fix themselves, even though Ive set both the map and the tileset to the proper values, it does not seem to be changing anything at all.
Where do I change the side length to 16 at?
Edit: Found it but nothing lines up even with all of the properties you've said to change
I'll leave just one last comment that should contain all future updates as well.
I've recently gotten a really talented pixel artist onboard, so we now have a bajillion FantasyHex-compatible tiles and improvements
They're all here for your perusal:
This is so incredibly cool! Thank you so much for setting this up and supporting the tile set, all the work is great and I'm sure other people using the set appreciate it <3
Loved your tiles! I started working with them in a companion app for Barbarian Prince, though it's stalled now for lack of a proper license. But it was fun and it only looks good thanks to you!
By the way, in order to make the tiles fit together I had to press some of them down a few pixels, particularly the cities and castles. But in the end they were a joy to work with.
I used Your tiles (Luckmann pack) to create free random-generating endless wallpaper for android. It also has dragons %) Google Play link
Here's the custom edits I've done:

It looks great, but wherever you uploaded it or however you did it, it didn't preserve the .png transparency of the background, so it's a bit hard to use. I especially love the barren ashland trees (...or at least I assume it's ashland), and the snowless mountain. For some reason the volcano one also appeals to me more than the older ones, I think it's the darker aesthetic.
Edit: By the way, having two mirrored ports is completely unnecessary. You can flip tiles by pressing x, so you only ever need a left- or right-facing tile, and then you can flip them on placement if needed. :)
I actually just discovered the tile-flipping option the other day haha. I just uploaded the image as I had made it before the discovery.
Unsure what happened with the transparency, but I'll see what I can do!
Transparency should be working with this one. I didn't bother deleting the redundant port, though.
I actually took the tiles I could find in the comments, organized them as best I could and as I considered to "make sense", and also created a few new ones, mostly by cutting, pasting, and photoshop voodoo:

Most notably, I "externalized" several assets, such as the graveyard(s) so that they can be used on any background; it turns out that Tiled handles .png semitransparency just fine, so shades can be created quite easily by painting a black with an opacity of ~13%; some may require more creative uses to look good on certain backgrounds, for example, the "tents and stones" which are intended for a desert background required using just plain red for shading to look good (imho).
I also organized everything into a foldered .psd with a helpful custom background, which I might as well share:
I'm pretty OK with manipulation, however, I'm terrible at original assets, myself. What I'd like to see, but am too painfully inept to do myself, are more "random" assets and "markers" or "terrain features", such as temples/henges, various types of ruins, castles, keeps, and I'd very much like to see something denoting a small village, as well as a trading post; just a few houses and a palisade or something.
Cheers, I love the package!
Edit: Also, I've just found out that it is possible to flip tiles in Tiled by pressing "X", meaning that several tiles in this package serve no purpose, including half the harbors. Worth keeping in mind.
Edit 2: Finally, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the Tile Properties setting(s) for these tiles is Orientation Othogonal, Grid Width 32px, Grid Height 48px, Drawing Offset (0, 2); Map Properties setting(s) need to be Orientation Hexagonal, Tile Width 32px, Tile Height 28px, Tile Side Length 16px, Stagger Axis X.
Woah. Thank you for taking the time to do all of this! I know tiled can be a bit difficult to get into. Every time I revisit it I end up bit confused and having to relearn it a little. I also keep meaning to update the original sheet with my takes on assets people have made and getting permission from them to put them into the initial set, but life gets in the way sometimes.
I appreciate all the ideas for new assets to sit ontop of stuff too, that's great and maybe easier for me to dig into than whole new tiles for all those things. When things smooth out and I get a chance I'd love to add them!
Be sure to share the things you make after putting all this hard work into organizing it all! <3
Thank you so much for continuing to work on this! Can't wait to see the updated sheet!
I've been using this to re-create the first Final Fantasy world map for a DnD campaign.
Just FYI, I think row 8 is off by a pixel. I created a blank background image to make sure everything is oriented correctly that might be useful for anyone making more tiles.

And here's a close up of row 8, showing slight misalignment.
Also couple pictures to show why I organised them in a tall thin column, 8 wide same as original tiles. it was merely because it gave me more space to use the screen, as I'd rather scroll further than be really zoomed out or have to use up the screen with the panel more than I need.
8 columns:
Lots of columns:
I spent ages organising the tiles in a way that made sense to me with just 8 columns but eventually just decided "good enough" as I didn't want to spend ages figuring out the optimum way to organise pixel images.
And here's a copy of 8 wide blanks in case people are lazy and have the same idea.
Further tile ideas because while I'm here why not:
More ash wasteland, dead and/or burned forests and charred landscapes, settlements that have been damaged or destroyed.
And well it is a fantasy tile set:
Fantasy landmarks, monoliths, giant statues, etc.
If it's possible with such a little amount of pixels to create very different settlements, then:
Non-human settlements, elven, orc, dwarf, goblin, etc.
(if not possible with this sizing of pixels, perhaps CuddlyClover would you want to make a larger more detailed tile set? Not sure how scaling would work, but I could potentially create bigger versions as a test and see if you/anyone wants to roll with it for those that want more detail)
Fantasy forests, i.e. different colours to green, different shapes, or perhaps just really big trees/a central giant tree.
As you said "x" flips the tile horizontally in tiled, could have a lite version of the tileset which just has 1 variant of each tile type, and a bigger set with multiple variants, preferably all alignend the same way, and then pointed out to use x to flip the tile horizontally.
Rather put ideas out there in case someone wants to do something with it related to this tileset
Inspired by this, I created both new "Farm" and "Mine" tiles to fit more basic tile types
Looks like this on a map:
Yes, the mines are meh. But IMHO the alternate farm tiles are pretty good =)
These are great, thanks!
In case it helps anyone - the settings above got me up and running. The only wrinkle was on the tileset properties. When you pull in the tileset and go to tileset > properties, there are two "halves" to the properties display. Properties at the top half of the list and are normal font. That was where I was changing properties and still having problems. Then there are "image properties" in the bottom half. They are greyed out and they are the ones you need to change. You need to click on the image filename, then select the edit button and you can change them. Hope this helps!
Man do I feel stupid here, because I can't get the example file to work (and I'm not sure why), and when trying to simply create my own tileset using the main tile image, I can't even choose hexagonal orientation in the properties, only Orthogonal and Isometric.
It looks great, though, just wish I could use it.
Edit: I think I worked it out, but some clearer instructions could really have helped. Apparently, the instructions you've given is for map settings, not the tile properties, but if one isn't familiar with Tiled in advance, that's far from obvious, especially when the tile settings aren't default either (it's 32x48.. I think?).
I had this same problem when I first used it. But yeah a little familiarity with Tiled helped sort it out.
Having the same issue - played around with Tiled a bit and watched the intro tutorials, but still can't get these tiles to work. I only have Hexagonal Staggered as a hex option and can't find the Y offset anywhere. Would greatly appreciate anyone writing some simple step by step setup instructions.
Is the artist available? I would like to know if I can hire him to work on improvements to the Tiles package.
Hey Cesar! I'm the artist, you can email me at if you're still interested ^^
The description says everything you need.
"This tileset was made to use be used in Tiled set to Hexagonal orientation, with 32 tile width, 28 height, and 16 side length. There's also an offset of 2 on the Y axis in the tileset's properties."
"All of that is set up correctly in the example file, and you can get Tiled from here: "
Making a map generator for my game using these tiles and I love them! Still debating if I should limit the locations of desert and snow...
In fact, why not. Here's a more polar generation (on a smaller map)
Added random river gen... which took way longer than it should
Also, for anyone interested, I made some adjustments to roads (currently untested).
I now understand why it was 4 directions. Exponential yo.
RIGHT?! Roads/rivers is hard. My biggest concern was it would be a pain in the butt to try and find the right road to connect the right way out of...what 50 odd pieces? ^^;; But everyone who's doing procedural map stuff probably wouldn't have cared once they set it up to just work, so I'm glad you added to the set! The stuff you're doing is looking awesome! Thanks for sharing it ^^
Yeah, you'll probably notice those extra roads are yours with extra paths added in using the same palette. I am... not an artist. I was going to do the others, but after roads I was mentally done lol.
But for the gen the rivers and stuff are fine as 4-directional. I just needed 6-way roads as the player would be placing them and they'd probably find it odd to not be able to go up and down. Without your originals I definitely wouldn't have been able to add in the extras :P